The Flying Club Cup

The Flying Club Cup, um álbum dos Beirut, foi das melhores coisas em que tropecei este ano.

Resta-nos descer as escadas e ter cuidado com os degraus.

BEIRUT - Nantes - from The Flying Club Cup
by flyingclubcup

E aqui fica a entrada do diário de bordo sobre «Nantes». Mais vídeos aqui. Bonne voyage! :)

«Nantes. The first time we were in Paris. The song was new, it was fresh, messy, relaxed, a small piece of music that needed Zach’s arms to build, a song sung as if in a happy rehearsal. Zach was dancing in his tiny blue shoes, Nick was drumming on garbage cans, it was anarchy, it was pure joy.

Here’s the second take. It’s in Zach’s old flat, in a gorgeous industrial building, in the middle of a deserted industrial neighborhood. We weren’t improvising this time; we had chosen the place carefully, there had been rehearsals the days before, the stairs looked like they were alight for the occasion. What the band played that day was a thousand miles away from what they did in Paris.

Watch Zach slowly climb down the stairs, as if waking up, following a song that unfolds with every step he makes. Listen to a song that gets thicker from the bottom, first from far away, then closer and closer, louder, more powerful. Nantes is here, martial, willful, sounding like "We Came Through" sung by Scott Walker. In these grey stairs, Nantes becomes a momentum. It was the first song we shot in New York. That was a first step. A huge step.

"Nobody raise your voices"... How ironic.»

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anónimo says:

    Um disco de que nunca conseguir gostar. E ai que tentei.

    Pesquisa os High Places. Grande discaço!